Item Coversheet

Item: Parkway Stump Removal and Landscape Restoration 2018
Department: Public Works

The 2018 Public Works Operating Budget includes $230,000 for the routine removal of parkway tree stumps due to storms, hazardous conditions, or natural decline.  Every year, Public Works contractually removes approximately 450 tree stumps, after the tree has been removed.


On March 13, 2018, the Village held a public bid opening for a three-year contract for Parkway Stump Removal and subsequent landscape restoration. Four bids were publicly opened and read aloud.  The bids ranged from $75,350 to $300,000. Flecks Landscaping of Wheeling, IL, was the apparent low bidder. 


Flecks Landscaping has held the Village Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) stump removal and restoration contract for the past six years. Staff has been pleased with their efficiency and quality of work, and recommends the contract award.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a three-year contract for Parkway Stump Removal and Landscape Restoration to the lowest responsible bidder, Flecks Landscaping of Wheeling, Illinois, for the bid unit prices, up to the annual budget, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Bid Section

Item:Parkway Stump Removal and Landscape Restoration 2018
Bid Opening Date:March 13, 2018
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-55
Total Budget for Specific Item:$230,000 (not to exceed)
Bid Amount:per unit prices
Bid SheetExhibits