Item Coversheet

Item: Underground Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Department: Public Works



The 2018 Capital Budget includes $130,000 for Phase 4 of the Parking Structure Maintenance & Repair Program. Phase 4 of the program focuses on the Evergreen Underground Parking Garage built in 1998. In 2013, the Village inspected all of the parking structures for necessary repairs to extend the life of the parking structures. 


In 2018, the Village requested bid proposal submittals for the maintenance and repair of the Evergreen Underground Parking Garage structure.  The rehabilitation work will include concrete repairs, pavement striping, and door and stair repairs. We also included the lowering of the west first floor wall at the Vail Garage to eliminate a sight line hazard.  We believe the wall at the Vail Garage was originally constructed higher to block headlights from shining into properties to the west of the Vail Garage.  Once the addition over Highland Avenue was added to the Vail Garage the purpose of this wall was eliminated.


On April 10, 2018, five bids and were publicly opened and read aloud.  The following bids were received:


BIDDER                                                                       TOTAL BID


J. Gill & Company  South Holland, IL                               $94,740.00

JLJ Contracting Inc. Broadview, IL                                  $116,570.00

Bulley &  Andrews  Chicago, IL                                       $117,560.00

Hard Surface Finishers  Wood Dale, IL                            $134,604.90  

National Restoration Systems  Rolling Meadows, IL        $188,160.00


Walker Restoration has checked the bids and have stated that J. Gill and Company complies with the bidding requirements and recommends award.  The Village has had past experience with J. Gill & Company, and concurs with Walker's recommended bid approval and award.


Staff will work with the Parking Committee regarding the notification of parking customers of the upcoming construction. Construction is expected to start in May.




It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, J. Gill & Company of South Holland, Illinois in an amount not-to-exceed $94,740.00, and authorize execution of the necessary documents.


Bid Section

Item:Underground Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Bid Opening Date:April 10, 2018
Account Numbers:235-7101-571.50-25 BL0006
Total Budget for Specific Item:$130,000
Bid Amount:$94,740.00