Item Coversheet

Item: Annual Computer Replacement Program
Department: Integrated Service Department/I.T. Division

The current 2018 budget for the I.T. Equipment Replacement Program provides for the annual replacement of Village computer equipment. The I.T. Division has selected Dell Computers for standardizing desktop PC’s, which provides a uniform installation process and cuts repair costs and replacement parts. Each year we include Metropolis’ computer needs for their budget year in our purchase.  his year the Village will be purchasing 75 computers and Metropolis has requested 5 for a total of 80 desktops.


In the past, when computers have been bid out, Dell has often won the bid with very competitive pricing. This year Dell was awarded the bid for the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) - the specifications allow for local municipalities to use the joint purchase on the contract #99AGZ/agreement #07012015.  Last year, the Village purchased 65 computers for $598.88 each; the MHEC price for our computers is $607.13, which is comparable to last year’s annual price increase.


Funds have been budgeted in I.T. account #625-0601-572-50-10 EQ9708 for 75 PC’s totaling $45,534.75 and Metropolis has projected for 5 PC’s in account #515-2005-525-5055 EQ0603 totaling $2,867.10.




It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding requirements and authorize the purchase of 80 Dell computers from the MHEC joint purchasing contract for a total cost of $48,401.85 from Dell Marketing, Round Rock, TX. They meet specifications and have been a responsible vendor to the Village in the past.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: