Crack sealing is one of the most cost effective roadway maintenance activities. The purpose of crack sealing is to prevent water from penetrating through existing cracks into the base of the roadway. The Public Works Department annually budgets for this contractual work in order to extend the useful life of the Village's asphalt streets.
In March of 2016, the Village Board awarded a three year Crack Sealing contract to the lowest bidder, Patriot Pavement, in an amount not-to-exceed $125,000. The 2018 budget includes $150,000 for Crack Sealing, which is a $25,000 increase from the awarded contract. Crack sealing is performed three to five years after a new roadway is installed. This increased budget was needed due to the increased number of streets being rehabilitated annually.
Staff is requesting Board concurrence to increase the contractual amount with Patriot Paving to $150,000, at the bid price of $1.19/lb.
It is recommended that the Village Board increase the contractual amount $25,000 for a total of $150,000 for the third year of the contract for Pavement Crack Sealing with Patriot Pavement of Des Plaines, Illinois, at the unit price of $1.19/lb.