Item Coversheet

Item: Sigwalt Apartments/CA Ventures - 45 S. Chestnut Ave.- PC#17-016
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


1. A rezoning from R-3, One-Family Dwelling District into the R-7, Multiple-Family Dwelling District 


2. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the construction of a five story, 80 unit residential development. 


3. Preliminary and Final Plat of Resubdivision to consolidate six lots into one lot.


Variations Required


1. Multiple Variations, see Appendix I.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on February 28, 2018 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Cherwin seconded:

A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#17-016, Sigwalt Apartments/CA Ventures, of the following items:


A rezoning from R-3, One-Family Dwelling District into the R-7, Multiple-Family Dwelling District. 
A Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the construction of a five story, 80 unit residential development. 
 A Preliminary and Final Plat of Resubdivision to consolidate six lots into one lot.

And the following Variations:

1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.3, Minimum Area for Zoning District, to allow the R-7 District to be approx. 1.39 acres where code requires a minimum of 2 acres for the R-7 District.


2. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.4, Minimum Lot Size, to allow a 39,587 sq. ft. lot where code requires a minimum of 61,500 sq. ft. in lot size.


3. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (east side) of 6.8’ where code requires a 45’ setback. 


4. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Front Yard, to allow a front yard setback (west side) of 20’ where code requires a 45’ setback. 


5. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.6, Required Side Yard, to allow a side yard setback of 5’ where code requires a 35’ setback. 


6. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.7, Maximum Building Lot Coverage, to allow 72% building lot coverage where code allows a maximum 45% building lot coverage.


7. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-7.13, Maximum Floor Area Ratio, to allow 242% F.A.R. where code limits maximum F.A.R. to 200%.


8. Chapter 28, Section 11.7(a), Loading Requirements, to waive the requirement for one off-street loading space.


9. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1, Permitted Obstructions, to allow certain balcony’s to project 5.3’ into the required front, exterior side, and side yards.


10. Chapter 28, Section 6.6-5.1, Permitted Obstructions, to allow a transformer within the required front (east) yard setback.


11. Chapter 28, Section 11.2-8, to allow certain drive aisles to be no less than 20’ wide where code requires a minimum drive aisle width of 24’.


This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. Overhead utilities along Sigwalt Street west of Highland Avenue and east of Chestnut Avenue shall be buried unless Commonwealth Edison and the Village deems that it is not feasible, in which case the overhead utilities will need to be relocated to the south side of Sigwalt Street.


2. Move-in/move-out operations shall be restricted to between 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM on Monday through Friday and 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday.


3. Residential units are approved as rental apartments. Converting residential units to condominiums shall require an amendment to the Planned Unit Development.


4. The petitioner shall provide a final construction schedule/phasing plan, including detailed information on street closures, at time of building permit for review and approval by staff.


5. The petitioner shall comply with the August 15, 2017, motion of the Housing Commission to provide a $300,000 fee in lieu of the providing the 12 affordable housing units ($25,000 for each unit) to be paid at the time of building permit.


6. School, Park, and Library contributions shall be required per Village Code prior to the issuance of a building permit. 


7. The Petitioner shall enter into an agreement with the Village that assigns the responsibility of snow removal within the on-street parking spaces and loading spaces (located along the north side of Sigwalt Street east of Chestnut Avenue and west of Highland Street) to the owner of the subject property.


8. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Drost, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Green, Jensen, Cherwin and Chairman Ennes voted in favor.  Commissioners Dawson & Warskow voted against.  Motion carried.



A resident petition was filed per Chapter 28 which requires a favorable vote of two thirds of all members of the Village Board.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Staff MemoMemorandum
PC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 2/28/18Minutes
Design EvolutionExhibits
Conceptual Plan Review Minutes 1/24/18Minutes
VB Early Review Minutes - 12/4/17Minutes
DC Minutes 1/23/18Minutes
DC Minutes 1/9/18Minutes
DC Staff Report 1/9/18Board or Commission Report
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering EOPCExhibits
Engineering Plans - Exhibit RExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Final Plat of SubdivisionExhibits
Fire Truck Turning ExhibitExhibits
Market StudyExhibits
Staging Plan Narrative & PlansExhibits
Stormwater CalculationsExhibits
Traffic StudyExhibits
Justification for PUD & VariationsCorrespondence
Neighborhood Meeting #1Correspondence
Neighborhood Meeting #2Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Petitioner Response to Comments - Round 1Correspondence
Department Comments - Round 2Correspondence
Petitioner Response to Comments - Round 2Correspondence
Resident FeedbackCorrespondence
Resident Petition Against ProjectCorrespondence
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits