Item Coversheet

Item: Downtown Parking Study
Department: Planning & Community Development

The Village Board approved $75,000 in the FY2018 budget for a downtown parking study. A Request for Proposals was issued and two responses were submitted as follows: 


Rich and Associates: $74,437
Walker Consultants: $74,850


The scope of services include, among others, the following: 


  • Parking Counts of all public parking and private surface lots in downtown in order to assess current parking utilization and future needs;
  • Evaluation of existing parking system and recommended improvements for user friendliness including use of technology;
  • Public outreach to the various user groups of downtown parking to obtain their input and ideas.


Both consulting firms made alternate suggestions on the scope of parking counts by reducing the number of counts needed to accurately assess existing parking utilization. After thorough review of the responses to the scope, the staff downtown parking committee members recommend Rich and Associates. The reduced counts reduces the total contract amount to $64,387.50.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into a contract with Rich and Associates to conduct a downtown parking study not to exceed $64,500, account #235-4001-532.20-05.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: