In 2015, the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Village Board, which included a section on Corridors. There were several corridors designated for further study and recommendations to improve each. The Village is in the process of implementing improvements to the Rand Road Corridor and the Northwest Highway Corridor. The South Arlington Heights Road corridor is being reviewed as a priority corridor given the high importance of facilitating improvements as a gateway to the Village.
The South Arlington Heights Road Corridor Plan is intended to outline various improvements for the area, and provide a vision for future redevelopment of sites. Several recommendations are made with action items to implement each recommendation.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on March 14, 2018 where Commissioner Jensen moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-004, the South Arlington Heights Road Corridor Plan.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Cherwin, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.