Item Coversheet

Item: Holiday Lighting Sets 2018
Department: Public Works



The 2018 Budget allocates $42,000 for the purchase of holiday decorations and lights used for the Village’s Holiday Lighting Program. The Village typically orders light sets off-season in order to obtain the best pricing. 


Light Emitting Diode (LED) light kits are used by the Public Works Forestry Unit for decorating the downtown. LED lights use less power and last longer than previously used incandescent lights.  Due to their longer lifespan, the Village is able to utilize the lights for multiple years prior to needing replacement. 


On April 4, 2018, four bids were publicly opened and read aloud.  The following bids were received:    


BIDDER                                                                      TOTAL BID PRICE


Holiday Radiance LLC,  Palatine, IL                                   $24,160.00

McFarlane Douglass  Burr Ridge, IL                                   $28,659.80

Reinders  Sussex, WI                                                        $31,710.00

Temple Display Ltd.  Oswego, IL                                       $39,290.00


Holiday Radiance LLC  of Palatine, IL was the lowest bidder at a unit price of $8.00 per set. The bid from Holiday Radiance LLC meets the bid specifications, and the Village has successfully worked with them in the past.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the Holiday Lights bid to the lowest, responsible bidder, Holiday Radiance LLC of Palatine, IL,  for the purchase of LED light sets per unit bid price up to the approved budget amount, and authorize Staff to process the necessary documents.   

Bid Section

Item:Holiday Lighting Sets 2018
Bid Opening Date:April 4, 2018
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.33-05
Total Budget for Specific Item:$42,000 (not to exceed)
Bid Amount:per unit bid prices