Item Coversheet

Item: Utility Maintenance Materials 2018
Department: Public Works

Each year the Public Works Utilities Division purchases utility maintenance materials in order to keep the water distribution and sewer system operational. In an effort to streamline purchasing efforts, the Utilities Division publicly bid frequently ordered materials such as sewer pipe, sewer couplings, fire hydrants, valves, and surge suppressors. Based on annual averages, the Utility Division anticipates installing 434 feet of sewer pipe, 124 sewer couplings,  40 fire hydrants, 24 valves, and 8 surge suppressors, due to routine maintenance.


On May 3, 2018, seven bids were publicly opened for utility maintenance materials. Bids were submitted based on per unit pricing for an estimated annual quantity for each of the materials specified. A tabulation of these bids is attached. The lowest bidders for utility maintenance materials was EJ of East Jordan, Michigan and Underground Pipe and Valve of Shorewood, Illinois. Staff has used utility maintenance materials from both EJ and Underground Pipe and Valve in the past, and found the quality of the materials, the responsiveness of the vendors, and the accuracy of deliveries to be acceptable.




It is recommended that the Village Board accept the lowest responsible per unit bid prices from EJ of East Jordan, Michigan and Underground Pipe and Valve of Shorewood, Illinois for utility maintenance materials, in accordance with the unit prices and not-to-exceed amount of $164,488 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.

Bid Section

Item:Utility Maintenance Materials 2018
Bid Opening Date:May 3, 2018
Account Numbers:505-7201-561.31-01 ($149,783); 505-7201-561.31-07 ($14,705)
Total Budget for Specific Item:505-7201-561.31-01 ($177,500); 505-7201-561.37-07 ($23,500)
Bid Amount:Per unit prices
Utility Maintenance Materials BidsExhibits