Passero, located at 5 W. Campbell Street, has submitted an application for outdoor dining on the public sidewalk along Campbell Street. The Village Code permits the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria, including the entering into a License Agreement with the Village for the use of the public property. In the event that alcoholic beverages are to be served on the public sidewalk, the Village’s application requires review at a Committee-of-the-Whole meeting and subsequent approval by the Village Board. Passero has executed the License Agreement and that Agreement is on the agenda for the May 21st Village Board meeting.
Passero's proposal for use of the public sidewalk is consistent with the Village's requirements for a barrier that consists of planters/fencing with openings that allow for a shared walkway for pedestrians, restaurants, patrons, and restaurant servers. The proposed outdoor dining area will be located along the back-of-curb, in a configuration congruent with conceptual plans for outdoor dining areas presented to the Village Board on May 12th, 2014. This configuration allows for outdoor seating to be accommodated where street fixtures or parkway trees would otherwise make outdoor seating infeasible, while maintaining five feet of unobstructed sidewalk. Passero is proposing planters along Campbell Street as well as along the sidewalk to delineate their outdoor eating area. Although Day Go Dogs and Za Restaurant did not serve alcohol, on August 3, 2015 a license agreement was approved by the Village Board for a similar seating configuration at 5 W. Campbell Street.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving a License Agreement with Passero LLC for use a portion of the public sidewalk for an outdoor eating area at 5 W Campbell St.