Item Coversheet

Item: Ordinance - Code Amendment - Chapter 3, Appointed Officers
Department: Legal

In March, 2016 the Village Board approved a change in the Village’s formal bid limit requirement from $10,000 to $20,000.  This new limit met the State of Illinois’ 2005 bid limit for smaller, non-home rule communities.  During the fall of 2017, the State of Illinois increased the amount required for formal bids from $20,000 to $25,000.




Staff recommends that the Village Board approve the Ordinance Amending Chpater 3 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code increasing the Village Manager’s authority for purchases with a value of $20,000 or less to purchases with a value of $25,000 or less without prior authorization by the Board.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Code Amendment - Section 3-102gOrdinance