Village Board - May 21, 2018
Arlington Heights Police Station Antenna Communications
A critical component of the Police Station is the antennas needed for communications between the Department and Northwest Central Dispatch, as well as separate quad band DAS for Verizon. The design build solution for providing the necessary antennas to communicate between police radios and Northwest Central Dispatch and internally has been provided by Chicago Communications LLC. As this item is a design build component of the building and each vendor purchases and designs the installation in a different manner, it is not possible to competitively bid this component. The Village has spent several months soliciting design build proposals and meeting with various vendors. Chicago Communications LLC provided a written proposal in the amount of $83,995.
This amount includes alternate components of $13,735 for in-building serving antennas that would only be installed if necessary. Chicago Communications LLC will test the signal strength within the building, once the building is complete, and if these additional antennas are not necessary, the amount of the design build to Chicago Communications LLC would be $70,260.
In summary, Chicago Communications LLC proposal ranges from $70,260 to $83,995. The Village also received a preliminary verbal estimate from another vendor at $200,000 although no written proposal was provided. The Village has worked successfully with Chicago Communications LLC in the past and recommend award.
Public Building Fund
Account Number: 431-9013-571-5015 EQ 16-10
Budget: $ 1,965,000.00
Available: $ 482,342.72
Chicago Communications LLC: $ 83,995.00
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding for the Police Station building antennas and authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement and approve the design build antenna system from Chicago Communications LLC in the amount $83,995 from the Public Building Fund, FFE/security/telephone account.