Item Coversheet

Item: Metropolis Lobby Renovation Project
Department: Finance

The Metropolis Theater is completing a renovation to its lobby area. The renovation was approved by the Metropolis Commercial Condominium Association and was reviewed by Village Building Department Staff.  The total cost of the renovation is $120,000, with $100,000 in funding coming from unrestricted theater donations and the $20,000 balance is budgeted in the Village's A, E, & E Fund.  Village staff also received a summary of the renovation costs. 



Staff recommends that the Village Board approve the $20,000 payment to the Metropolis Theater toward the Lobby Renovation Project Fund. Funds for the Village portion of the project are budgeted in the A, E, & E Fund.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: