Item Coversheet

Item: Arlington Heights Police Station AV Equipment
Department: Planning & Community Development

The purchase, installation, programming and training for AV equipment throughout the Police Station building has been designed and priced by two vendors.  As the design and installation varies by company, the Village received proposals: one from Pace Systems Inc. for $100,112 and one from AVI Systems for $150,000. AV equipment would be designed and installed in the Community Meeting Room, Conference Rooms, Roll Call Room and other locations.


Public Building Fund
Account Number: 431-9013-571-5015 EQ 16-10

Budget:                   $  1,965,000.00
Available:                $     398,347.72

Pace Systems Inc.    $     100,112.00

It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding for the Police Station building AV equipment and approve the proposal from Pace Systems Inc. in the amount $100,112 from the Public Building Fund, FFE/security/telephone account and authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement in accordance with the proposal.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: