Item Coversheet

Item: Chapter 28 Text Amendment - Breweries - PC#18-012
Department: Planning & Community Development

The Village Board recently discussed establishing new liquor licenses to allow microbreweries and breweries. The attached proposed text amendments to Chapter 28 defines both microbreweries and breweries, as well as brew pubs. The Board is seeking a recommendation on how to zone for these uses, which is also attached as part of an amendment to the Permitted Use Table. The Plan Commission motion below recommends modifications to the definitions of Microbrewery and Brewery, however staff does not concur with those modifications as the Board has already approved the definitions as part of Chapter 13 amendments, therefore the definitions should match. Staff has made two minor modifications to the proposed permitted uses related to a Brewery to clarify intent (modifications are underlined).


A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on May 23, 2018 where Commissioner Dawson moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-012, Amendments to Chapter 28, Section 28-3 and Section 28-5.5-1, regarding Brew Pubs, Microbreweries, and Breweries, with the proposed language, however, with the change that the definition of brewery be changed to include that it brews more than 930,000 gallons of beer per year, and the definition of microbrewery to eliminate the language from generally characterized by an emphasis on quality, flavor, and such down to the comma there so it would read an independently-owned brewery that produces no more than 930,000 gallons of beer per year and which is licensed as a Class 1 brewer by the State of Illinois.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Dawson, Lorenzini, Sigalos, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Commissioner Green voted against.  Motion carried.


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Staff Memo Memorandum
PC Minutes 5-23-18 DRAFTMinutes
Chapter 28 Proposed Amendments RevisedExhibits