Requested Action
1. Amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance 89-100.
Variations Requested
1. Variation from Section 10.4-2, Schedule of Parking Requirements, to reduce the required amount of on-site parking from 99 spaces to 77 spaces.
2. Variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.3-3, Parking for Business and Manufacturing Districts, to permit the use of two off-site parking facilities in Residential Districts, where code does not allow off-site parking to be located in Residential Districts, as well as to allow use of an off-site parking facility located approximately 1,900 feet from the use served where code requires off-site parking to be located within 1,000 feet of the use served.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on June 13, 2018 where Commissioner Jensen moved and Commissioner Green seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees denial of PC#18-007, an amendment to PUD Ordinance 89-100 for 1540 N. Arlington Heights Road, and a variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.4-2, Schedule of Parking Requirements, to reduce the required amount of on-site parking 99 spaces to 77 spaces.
And a Motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of the following variation for PC#18-007, 1540 N. Arlington Heights Road:
1. Variation from Chapter 28, Section 10.3-3, Parking for Business and Manufacturing Districts, to permit the use of two off-site parking facilities in Residential Districts (The 12 spaces at Glueckert Funeral Home and 20 spaces at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church), where code does not allow off-site parking to be located in Residential Districts, as well as to allow use of an off-site parking facility located approximately 1,900 feet from the use served where code requires off-site parking to be located within 1,000 feet of the use served.
This recommendation shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Shade trees shall be provided in all parking lot landscaped islands, except for the northwestern island adjacent to Maude Avenue where utility boxes are located. Additionally, the required 3 foot tall landscape screen along Arlington Heights Road and Maude Avenue shall be provided.
2. Existing non-compliant signage on site shall be removed, or the petitioner shall apply for a sign variation via the Design Commission and Village Board process.
3. Additional loft space, as shown on the Floor Plan approved via Ordinance 89-100, shall not be built out.
4. If the existing parking agreements with the Glueckert Funeral Home or Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church are discontinued, and the petitioner does not secure new, substantially similar parking agreements, at the discretion of the Village, then the petitioner shall be deemed non-code compliant and shall not renew leases for medical tenants, and shall only re-tenant spaces with general office until such time as the parking requirement is met.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.