The Storm Water Utility Fund includes funds for design of the Cypress Detention Basin Improvement Project. The Cypress Project was one of the projects identified by the Board-authorized Flood Studies prepared after the July 23, 2011 record breaking rain event. The Village purchased the property located at the corner of Cypress and Arlington Heights Road for the purpose of a stormwater detention pond.
Staff developed a Request for Proposals (RFP) which included the design and construction inspection services for the Cypress Area Stormwater and Watermain Project.
Proposals were requested from six qualified professional engineering consultants to design, permit preparation and submittal, preparation of construction plans, bid letting/recommendation, and construction engineering for storm sewers and an enlarged detention basin in the area known as the Cypress Area. Staff also requested pricing for simultaneously relocating the rear yard watermains into the public right of way. This addition will make any future watermain maintenance less expensive and less likely to cause private property damage. This watermain project has been in our five-year plan since 2016.
Five proposals were received on April 27th. The four lowest cost responding firms were interviewed on June 13th and 14th.
The total budget for the Stormwater Control Improvements and the watermain replacement is $7.8 million.
The total costs for the five proposals received were as follows:
HLR, Inc. $538,013
Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. $673,573
Burns and McDonnell $721,662
CDM Smith $784,860
Baxter and Woodman Consulting Engineers $915,600
Our estimate for this project's scope of work is $780,000 which is 10% of our preliminary estimated total project cost. All proposals were reviewed and tabulated by Village Staff. The lowest proposal was received from HLR. HLR was interviewed and Staff did not believe they had enough relevant experience, nor did their proposed project team have the required public relations experience we desire for this project.
Christopher Burke Engineering was the second lowest proposal received. Christopher Burke has previously performed services for the Village including the preliminary model, and the Village has been very satisfied with their performance. Christopher Burke has a multitude of similar experiences and presented a public relations plan that demonstrated a clear understanding of our expectations for a project of this magnitude. Therefore, Staff is recommending award to the second lowest and most responsive proposal from Christopher Burke Engineering and reject the proposal from HLR, Inc.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the Cypress Area Stormwater and Watermain Engineering Services Project to the second lowest proposal received from Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $673,573 and authorize the execution of the necessary documents.