Item Coversheet

Item: Fitness Center Equipment
Department: Police Department

The new Police Station includes a Fitness Center to promote employee wellness and provide an accommodation to maintain a level of physical conditioning required of a police officer. The former police station also contained a similar space.


A strength and cardio exercise platform has been designed by staff who collaborated with Life Fitness, a company that provides workout equipment to commercial fitness centers.


The Life Fitness proposal is based on a previously bid National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) award.  The Village of Arlington Heights is a member of NJPA and is entitled to use this government cooperative to leverage buying power. 


MSRP                $147,579

NJPA Discount   $  48,798

NJPA Total        $108,962 (includes $10,181 for delivery and install)


This proposed acquisition is identified in the Village/Police Department's 2018 CIP budget and funded through the Asset Forfeiture account.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of strength and cardio fitness equipment from Life Fitness, Rosemont, Illinois.



Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:231-3003-511.40-11
Total Budget for Specific Item:$120,000
Bid Amount:$108,962