Requested Action
1. Land Use Variation to allow a 62-room hotel in the M-2 Zoning District.
Variations Required
1. Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required width of a two-way drive aisle from 24 feet to 22.6 feet in width.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on July 11, 2018 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Cherwin seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-013, a Land Use Variation to allow a 62 room hotel within the M-2 District, and the following variation:
1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required width of a two-way drive aisle from 24 feet to 22.6 feet in width.
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Prior to Village Board consideration, the petitioner shall provide the following items:
- Revised plans that address the fire lane concerns identified by the Building Department which may include revisions to the drive aisles, parking spaces, and landscaping.
- Revised landscape plans that address the concerns raised by the Planning & Community Development Department in their review letter dated June 21, 2018.
2. The property owner shall maintain the existing agreements for overflow parking on the Brite-O-Matic site (527 W. Algonquin Rd) and the Hand and Shoulder Associates site (515 W. Algonquin Rd). Should these agreements be adjusted or terminated, the property owner shall inform the Village within 30 days and must secure comparable alternative overflow parking agreements to the satisfaction of the Village. If comparable alternatives cannot be secured within 30 days, the petitioner shall not schedule events to the 377-occupant capacity and shall work with staff to come with a suitable banquet hall occupant limit for events at the facility. Additionally, the petitioner shall minimize overlapping bookings at both the hotel and banquet hall.
3. The property owner shall continue to provide on-site valet parking and shall provide airport shuttle services for guests at the hotel.
4. The petitioner shall remove all three exterior storage containers located in the three parking spaces adjacent to the loading area on the eastern side of the building. All spaces on the subject property shall be kept free of storage and made available for parking.
5. All dumpsters shall be kept within a code-complaint dumpster enclosure and shall only be placed outside during trash collection times. Once trash has been collected, the dumpsters shall be promptly relocated back inside an enclosure.
6. The ten proposed bicycle parking spaces shall be relocated to a paved surface.
7. The petitioner shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawson, Sigalos, Lorenzini, Green, Cherwin and Vice-Chair Jensen voted in favor. Motion carried.