Requested Action
1. Amendment to PUD Ordinance Numbers 12-006, 12-037, 12-039, 14-025, 15-049, and 18-019 to allow modifications to the approved development plan for Arlington Downs.
2. Land Use Variation to allow a residential use as a principal use in the B-2 District for “ADR-II”.
3. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to reconfigure lots 3 and 5 to accommodate for the proposed “ADR-II” and “ADR-III” residential buildings.
4. Amendment to the hotel Special Use Permit to reduce the number of rooms from 161 to 116 and to allow the hotel within Zone D, and to allow for residential development within Zone C prior to constructing the foundation of the hotel.
Variations Required
1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.4, to reduce the required on-site parking from 2,768 spaces to 2,333 spaces.
2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-11.4(a), to allow dwelling units on the first floor on Lot 5A.
3. Section 10.7, Schedule of Loading Requirements, to waive the requirement for two (10’ x 50’) off-street loading berths for the retail/restaurant uses in Zone D.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on July 25, 2018 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Drost seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#18-010, an amendment to PUD Ordinance Numbers 12-006, 12-037, 12-039, 14-025, 15-049, and 18-019 to allow modifications to the approved development plan for Arlington Downs; a Land Use Variation to allow a residential use as a principal use in the B-2 District for “ADR-II”; Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to reconfigure lots 3 and 5 to accommodate for the proposed “ADR-II” and “ADR-III” residential buildings; an amendment to the hotel Special Use Permit to reduce the number of rooms from 161 to 116 and to allow the hotel within Zone D; and to allow for development within Zone C prior to constructing the foundation of the hotel, along with the following variations:
1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.4, to reduce the required on-site parking from 2,768 spaces to 2,333 spaces.
2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-11.4(a), to allow dwelling units on the first floor on Lot 5A.
3. Section 10.7, Schedule of Loading Requirements, to waive the requirement for two (10’ x 50’) off-street loading berths for the retail/restaurant uses in Zone D.
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Final Plat of Subdivision approval is required.
2. A PUD amendment will be required for the ADR-III and ADR-IV development sites when a project for those properties has been proposed.
3. The previous approval ordinances shall be amended as outlined in Exhibit I.
4. Prior to Final Plat of Subdivision approval, the petitioner shall:
a. Modify the plans for ADR-II as necessary to comply with fire lane requirements as mandated by the Village.
b. The petitioner will revise the landscape plan to incorporate 12 additional evergreen trees along Euclid Avenue to screen the rear areas of retail buildings A and B.
c. Provide a revised site plan that shows the dumpster enclosure for retail buildings A and B as part of the building via a wing wall and the opening for these enclosures to be facing away from Euclid Ave.
d. Provide better screening for the mechanical and loading/delivery area at the rear of ADR-II. Such screening may require a screen wall.
5. The developer shall work with staff to include a certain portion of the 39 required affordable units on-site and shall pay a fee-in-lieu for the difference, compliant with the Housing Commission motion from June 12, 2018 provide in ADR II nine affordable units in perpetuity and pay a $25,000 per unit fee in lieu of providing four additional affordable units (for a total of $100,000) in accordance with Exhibit A – Arlington Downs Affordable Housing Conditions to reflect inclusion of affordable housing units.
6. Prior to Building Permit issuance, the petitioner shall provide the Village with a copy of the amended Declarations, Covenants, and Restrictions for the PUD. To the satisfaction of the Village, this document shall provide for reciprocal access, parking, and shared maintenance amongst all developments within the PUD. The revised document must also contain language that addresses payment responsibility for water loss between the master meters and individual meters within the development to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department, or alternatively, the developer can enter into a separate onsite utility and maintenance agreement to address the concerns from Public Works (for review and approval by the Village).
7. Impact Fees will for ADR-II shall be required at time of building permit issuance, compliant with Village Code.
8. The removal of any debris and dilapidated concrete/asphalt, and the replacement of any dead landscaping within each zone will be required if construction within any zone has not commenced within 12 months of approval of this PUD amendment. Additionally, if at any time during construction within any zone, said construction ceases for a period of 12 months, then that zone shall be cleared of debris, construction material, and landscaped to the satisfaction of the Village.
9. The petitioner shall explore construction of a landscaped median in the Euclid Avenue Right-of-Way, and shall construct said median if determined to be feasible by the City of Rolling Meadows and Cook County Department of Transportation. All maintenance costs for this landscaped median will be the responsibility of the property owner.
10. The AC units located in the front yard of the hotel building shall be screened with a screen wall that is architecturally compatible with the hotel building and provides complete screening of the units (3 sides). Alternatively, these units can be relocated to the roof of the building and appropriately screened.
11. Prior to zoning approval being granted for future development of ADR-III and ADR-IV, the petitioner will need to survey the existing parking within One Arlington and ADR-II to determine if the parking ratios for these developments adequately capture their parking demand.
12. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Jensen, Sigalos, Warskow, Green, Drost, and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.