Item Coversheet

Item: Davis Street Beautification
Department: Planning & Community Development

The Planning & Community Development Department has developed landscape plans in consultation with Public Works for the parkway on Davis Street located between Arthur Avenue and the pedestrian underpass. The landscaping will be installed between the railroad right-of way and the back of curb along Davis Street.  As part of the plan, a mix of native plantings are proposed within the wet areas and in the drier areas, a mix of turf, shrubs, and perennials are proposed.  The goal is to develop a landscape that is sustainable, has or requires low-maintenance and in the wet areas provides storm water benefits by utilizing native plant material to filter the runoff.  The plan has been forwarded to Union Pacific Railroad for coordination.


The 2018 capital budget includes $82,700 of which $3,200 will be used for hydro seeding and $19,935 for the installation of the native plants.  The above items were not included as part of the bid since they are specialized contractors and independent bids/pricing was obtained for these elements of the project.  This results in $59,565 available for the installation of shrubs, and perennials of this project in account # 401-4001-571.50-30 (ST1702).


On June 11, 2018, a public bid opening was held and one bid was publicly opened and read aloud.  The following bid was received:


Milieu Landscaping



Budget (account #401-4001-571-50-30 (ST1702)      $82,700.00


Native Plant Installation                                            $19,935.00


Hydro-seeing                                                            $ 3,200.00


Milleu Landscaping                                                    $46,981.43


Remaining                                                                $12,583.57


Staff checked Milieu’s references and found them to be favorable for similarly completed projects in neighboring communities.  In addition, the Village has successfully worked with Milieu in the past on other planting projects.



Staff is recommending that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with Milieu Landscaping in the amount of $46,981.43. The contractor has been determined to be responsible with a bid that met all specifications. 

Bid Section

Item:Davis Street Beautification
Bid Opening Date:June 11, 2018
Account Numbers:401-4001-571-50-30 (ST1702
Total Budget for Specific Item:$82,700.00
Bid Amount:$46,981.43