Earlier this year the Village Board approved several amendments to Chapter 28, including amendments to certain development standards in the multi family districts. As part of this discussion, amendments to the R-7 district were proposed but given that there was an active proposal (Sigwalt Street Apartments) that was seeking R-7 zoning, that portion of the text amendments did not move forward at that time.
The R-7 zoning was briefly discussed at the Board meeting when the Phase II zoning amendments for all other zoning districts were discussed. In addition, a summary of the R-7 changes were presented at the June 11, 2018 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting, as well as in a subsequent memorandum in late June to the Board.
The following includes proposed amendments to the R-7 district, which for the most part includes property surrounding the downtown area. These amendments were recommended for approval by the Ordinance Review Committee in October, 2017.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on August 8, 2018 where Commissioner Lorenzini moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#17-005, Amendments to Chapter 28, Section 5, as outlined in the Staff memo dated July 30, 2018.
Commissioners Dawson, Drost, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow and Vice Chair Jensen voted in favor. Motion carried.