Item Coversheet

Item: Arlington Heights Police Station Security Systems
Department: Planning & Community Development

Several items for the new Police Station need to be purchased from the FF&E/Security/Telephone budget account #431-9013-571-5015 EQ16-10.  One such item is the security systems, which includes access control, surveillance and alarms.  Plans were issued to Johnson Controls/TYCO International.  Johnson Control/TYCO International provided pricing in October 2017, based upon the National Joint Purchasing Agreement (NJPA).  NJPA is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference and offers joint purchasing services/products to local agencies. The Village is a member of the NJPA.  The NJPA price provided by Johnson Controls/TYCO International was $215,586.  This amount was further discounted by Johnson Controls/TYCO International and on October 16, 2017, the Board approved the contract award in the amount of $199,617


As the building is nearing completion, the Police Department have been meeting with Johnson Controls, Riley Construction, and the architects and have determined that additional security measures and devices are needed within the facility.  As a result, a change order in the amount of $31,773.50 is needed, in order to allow for  the purchase, wiring, and installation of additional security cameras and devices.  


Public Building Fund



Account Number: 431-9013-571-5015 EQ 16-10


Budget:             $1,965,000

Available:          $316,272.37


Overall, the Police Station project remains under budget.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manger to enter into a change order with Johnson Controls/TYCO International for the security systems in the amount of $31,773.50 from the Public Building Fund, FF&E/Security/Telephone account #431-9013-571-5015 EQ16-10

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: