Project Background
The proposed development involves the construction of three buildings on the site; one building along Chestnut Avenue, one building along Campbell Street, and one building along Highland Avenue. The developer is proposing a five/six-story residential building on the Chestnut Avenue side of the site, an eight-story residential building with ground floor commercial space on the Campbell Street portion of the site, and a 12-story building with five floors of parking and residential units above on the Highland Avenue side of the site.
The subject property is located along Campbell Street between Highland Avenue and Chestnut Avenue in Downtown Arlington Heights. The majority of the property is within the B-5, Downtown District, with a small portion at the southern end of the site within the R-3, One-family Dwelling District. The developer is proposing a rezoning of the R-3 portion into the B-5 District, as well as Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to allow the proposed development. Setback variations, a density variation, and a loading space variation may be required. Additional variations may be identified once detailed plans have been submitted. The proposed use of the property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, which designates the site as Mixed Use. One of the Board’s 2017 Strategic Priorities is to facilitate development of this block.
It is recommended that the Village Board evaluate the plans and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed development.