Requested Action
Amendment to Special Use Permit Ordinances #83-14 and #91-082 to allow for redevelopment of the site.
Variations Required
Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required driveway width from 24’ to 23’.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on October 24, 2018 where Dawson moved and Commission Cherwin seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#18-0018, an Amendment to Special Use Ordinances #83-14 and #91-082 to allow for redevelopment of the site with a new Taco Bell restaurant including a drive-thru, and a variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required driveway width from 24’ to 23’.
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. At the request of the Village, upon redevelopment of the gas station property abutting the subject property to the west, the property owner shall cause to be constructed on the subject property a driveway connection to the gas station property immediately to the west. Additionally, the property owner shall grant, and cause to be recorded, an access easement that provides two-way cross access to the property to the west, which shall only be required if and when the gas station property is redeveloped and provides reciprocal access to the subject property.
2. If there are complaints about the speaker volumes, the restaurant operator and the Village shall work together to resolve the volume issue, which may include a requirement for face-to-face ordering b between specific hours overnight.
3. The restaurant operator shall make a good faith effort to reduce late night noise and other site issues that could impact neighboring residents.
4. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Drost, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Cherwin, Dawson and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.