Over the past five years, including the short transition year to a calendar year, the Village’s annual audit has been completed by Lauterbach & Amen. This firm has offered to complete the 2018 audit at the same $53,300 cost they charged to complete the Village’s 2017 audit. Lauterbach & Amen has provided excellent auditing services and is familiar with the Village’s accounting system and internal controls. Staff recommends that Lauterbach & Amen be given a one-year extension to complete the 2018 audit at the same cost that was charged in 2017. For the subsequent 2019 – 2023 audit years, staff would plan on securing quotes from area municipal auditors through an RFP process.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year extension of the auditing services agreement with Lauterbach & Amen not exceed the prior year’s cost of $53,300.