Item Coversheet

Item: Thomas & Well 16 West Water Tanks - Painting Design Services
Department: Public Works

Both the Thomas Water Tank (1498 N. Ridge Ave.) and Well 16 Water Tank (1405 W. Kirchoff Rd.) require maintenance which includes painting, tank safety rail additions, modifications and roof plate replacement. The proposed 2019 Budget includes funding for the construction. It is critical that the design and specifications are of the highest quality to ensure the best quality of work and minimization of change orders during the construction phase.

Robinson Engineering Ltd. performed these services for the last water tank project and staff was pleased with their service. Robinson Engineering concluded the construction phase of the project under budget.

They will prepare bid specifications with appropriate detailed plans. They will also facilitate a pre-bid meeting for project coordination and clarification to potential contractors. Services will also include bid evaluations and preliminary contractor research for a low qualified bid recommendation.  The cost for Robinson Engineering Ltd. related services is $68,200.


It is recommended that the Village Board award a professional services contract for design and bid assistance services to Robinson Engineering Ltd. in the amount of $68,200 and authorize execution of the contract.

Bid Section

Item:Thomas & Well 16 West Water Tanks - Painting Design Services
Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:505-9001-571.50-25 (WA1101) $68,200
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:$68,200