Item Coversheet

Item: Cypress Detention Basin - Christopher B. Burke Eng. Ltd. Change Order #1
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Department has an existing contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. (CBBEL) for the design of the Cypress Detention Basin, Stormwater Improvements and the lining of the backyard water mains in the Cypress area. With input from the Engineering Division of Public Works, it was determined that instead of the standard trench repair of the road, the road should be reconstructed. This reconstruction would take advantage of the conditions normally associated with extensive excavation construction that will be associated with large diameter storm sewer installation. The current contract with CBBEL is for $673,573. This is for the design and construction inspection of Cypress Detention Basin, Stormwater Improvements and the lining of the backyard water mains in the Cypress area.

CBBEL estimates that the cost of reconstruction and resurfacing of the affected roads would be approximately $1,000,000. The additional cost for engineering related to the road reconstruction and resurfacing will be $43,139.

Funding for the additional engineering services is available in the Street Program 401-5001-571.50-30 (ST9008). Staff therefore recommends modification to the existing CBBEL Contract for the Cypress Detention Basin for the additional engineering services at an additional cost of $43,139.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve Engineering Change Order #1 to Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois for the additional engineering design work in the amount of $43,139 and authorize execution of all necessary documents.  

Bid Section

Item:Cypress Detention Basin - Christopher B. Burke Eng. Ltd. Change Order #1
Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:401-5001-571.50-30 (ST9008) (Street Program) $43,139
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: