Item Coversheet

Item: Furnishing Fire Line Meters, Associated Parts, & Equipment - Contract Extension
Department: Public Works

In December 2014, after a competitive bid process, the Village Board awarded three-year contracts to HBK of Palatine, Illinois and Midwest Meter of Edinburg, Illinois for Furnishing Fire Line Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment. The bid was awarded to two separate contractors based upon lowest unit prices. The initial contracts expired in November of 2017 and were extended to November of 2018 last year. Fire line meters and associated equipment will be utilized only as needed for new commercial construction and replacement of existing failed meters. The purchase of meters for new construction is reimbursed through the building permit process. 

In accordance with Village purchasing guidelines, Staff can request extensions up to the original contract length. Staff has been satisfied with the performance of these two contractors and recommends extensions. Public Works is requesting Village Board approval to extend the existing contract for Furnishing Fire Line Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment for one year, which will be the second of three possible one-year extensions. This extension would begin in February of 2019 and conclude in January of 2020.


     Fire Line Meters                          HBK Meters                                                          

1.  4” Meter                                          $4,450

2.  6” Meter                                          $6,450

3.  8” Meter                                          $8,600

4.  10” Meter                                      $13,150


     Itron Radio                                   Midwest Meters

5.  Itron 100W ERW-1300-213               $69.75                         

6.  Itron 100W ERW-1300-205               $69.75                                     


If this contract is rebid, the chances for unit price increases are high, as these rates are primarily material based, and bronze has increased by several percent over the last three years.




 It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension for Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment for items 1, 2, 3, and 4 to HBK of Palatine, Illinois, who is the lowest responsible unit price bidder for those items.  It is also recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension for Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment for bid items 5 and 6 to Midwest Meter of Edinburg, Illinois. The contract extensions would be awarded with no increase to the original unit prices. It is further recommended to authorize execution of all necessary documents.

Bid Section

Item:Furnishing Fire Line Meters, Associated Parts, & Equipment - Contract Extension
Bid Opening Date:November 2014
Account Numbers:505-7201-561.50-15 (Water & Sewer) $50,000 AND 505-7201-561.31-02 (Water & Sewer) $65,000
Total Budget for Specific Item:$115,000
Bid Amount: