In 2008, Metropolis purchased a Yamaha CL5 sound board console. Yamaha has now discontinued distributing Metropolis' current equipment which makes obtaining replacement parts difficult. Yamaha has also stopped sending software updates to the console which makes the current board less reliable moving forward.
The new sound board console has updated technology and will increase theatrical capabilities in the sound booth and provide more flexibility switching in between shows. The new technology will also allow connecting more of the equipment together, which will help save funds on rental equipment for large events.
With the new sound board, the production manager will be able to save parts from the old console and use these as monitors, which will enable stage performers to hear what the audience is hearing, and will enhance each and every performance.
Bids for a new sound board system for the Metropolis Arts Centre were duly advertised and publicly opened on December 6, 2018:
Gand Sound Installations $27,747.00
TC Furlong $27,833.47
Full Compass $27,873.00
Sweetwater $29,755.00
The Village budgeted $35,000 for 2019 based on the recommendation from the Metropolis Theater.
It is recommended that the Village Board of Trustees approve the purchase of a Yamaha Sound Board from the low bidder Gand Sound Installations, Elk Grove, IL in the amount of $27,747.00. The vendor has been determined to be responsible and meets specifications.