In the Fall of 2017, the Village became the 34th Member in the Geographic Information System (GIS) Consortium. The GISC is an organization of Chicago-area communities that share a common goal of optimizing the value of geographic information systems. It is a Shared Services Model, meaning members are unified by the ability to share resources, information, staffing, and technology, as well as identifying opportunities for minimizing costs and risks.
A Membership Agreement for a Geographic Information System Consortium document has traditionally been executed by a community upon joining the GIS Consortium. The purpose of the agreement is to establish an intergovernmental partnership for GIS services between member communities. The Consortium itself is governed by by-laws established by all of the members. While the by-laws have been periodically updated to reflect the changes and growth of the consortium, the membership agreement has never been updated. As such, a review of the membership agreement was done in 2018 to ensure that it is consistent with the by-laws.
At the November 15, 2018 GIS Consortium Board Meeting, the Board unanimously approved amendments to the Membership Agreement for the Geographic Information System Consortium document. The changes include:
· Amending the shortened name of the Consortium from GISCon to GISC
· Amending the officers to reflect the creation of an Executive Board of Directors as approved in 2017
The changes to the membership agreement are minimal to create consistency between the agreement and the consortium by-laws.
In addition to approving the new Agreement, approval is needed for the expenditure of $203,420.55 for GIS services for the 2019 calendar year. This amount is within the budgeted amount.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the Resolution Approving a Membership Agreement with the Geographic Information System Consortium and approve the amount of $203,420.55 for GIS services for 2019.