Entrance Identity Signage on Arlington Heights Road:
1. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302 Number, to allow two ground signs, where only one ground sign is allowed per street frontage.
2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302 Number, to allow ground signs with a separation distance of 40 feet, where 800 feet of separation is required.
Courtyard Shops Directory Signage:
3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.3.a, to amend a previous variation to allow an increase in size for a directory sign from 13 sf to 67 sf.
Town Square Fountain:
4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201, to allow a 45 sf development identification sign, where no development identification sign is allowed.
Office Center Signage:
5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.2.b, to allow 30 sf of canopy signage, where 4.4 sf is the maximum allowed.
6. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.2.b, to allow signage to be located on top of a canopy, where lettering is not allowed to project above or beyond the physical dimensions of the awning.
A public hearing was held by the Design Commission on December 11, 2018 where Commissioner Eckhardt moved and Commissioner Seyer seconded:
A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board for the following sign variations for Arlington Town Square at 70 S. Arlington Heights Road:
Entrance Identity Signage on Arlington Heights Road:
1. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302 Number, to allow two ground signs, where only one ground sign is allowed per street frontage.
2. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-302 Number, to allow ground signs with a separation distance of 40 feet, where 800 feet of separation is required.
Courtyard Shops Directory Signage:
3. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.3.a, to amend a previous variation to allow an increase in size for a directory sign from 13 sf to 67 sf.
Town Square Fountain:
4. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201, to allow a 45 sf development identification sign, where no development identification sign is allowed.
Office Center Signage:
5. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.2.b, to allow 30 sf of canopy signage, where 4.4 sf is the maximum allowed.
6. A variation from Chapter 30, section 30-201.h.2.b, to allow signage to be located on top of a canopy, where lettering is not allowed to project above or beyond the physical dimensions of the awning.
This recommendation is subject to compliance with the plans dated 11/28/18 and received 12/3/18, compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and Village Codes, regulations, and policies, the issuance of all required permits, and the following conditions:
1. A requirement that the two ground signs being added to the existing raised planters facing Arlington Heights Road be illuminated with preferably LED light to be mounted to the top of the frame of the sign that will not result in glare to pedestrians or cars. Staff should review the LED color temperature of the light.
2. A recommendation that a small mock-up be done to assure the workability of the signage on the black perforated metal panel mounted over the existing decorative sign structure.
3. A requirement that the design of the courtyard artwork be submitted to Staff for review, and if determined necessary, come back to the Design Commission for review, with an understanding that the artwork will not be used for advertising.
4. This review deals with architectural design only and should not be construed to be an approval of, or to have any other impact on, nor represent any tacit approval or support for the proposed land use or any other zoning and/or land use issues or decisions that stem from zoning, building, signage or any other reviews. In addition to the normal technical review, permit drawings will be reviewed for consistency with the Design Commission and any other Commission or Board approval conditions. It is the petitioner's responsibility to incorporate all requirements listed on the Certificate of Appropriateness into the permit drawings, and to ensure that the building permit plans and sign permit plans comply with all zoning code, building code, and sign code requirements.
A motion was made by Commissioner Eckhardt and seconded by Commissioner Kingsley to amend the motion as follows:
2. A requirement that a small mock-up be done to assure the workability of the signage on the black perforated metal panel mounted over the existing decorative sign structure.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Kingsley, Seyer, Eckhardt and Chair Fitzgerald voted in favor. Motion carried.