Item Coversheet

Item: European Crystal Hotel - 519 W. Algonquin Rd. - PC#18-021
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action

1. Amendment to Land Use Variation Ordinance 18-028 to allow for modifications to the previously approved hotel development plan.


Variations Required


1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.4, to reduce the required number of parking spaces from 249 spaces to 172 spaces.

2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required drive aisle width from 24 feet to 22 feet for the northernmost drive aisle.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on January 9, 2019 where Commissioner Dawson moved and Commissioner Warskow seconded:


A motion to recommend approval to the Village Board of Trustees of PC#18-021, an amendment to Land Use Variation Ordinance #18-028 to allow modifications to the previously approved development plan, a variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.4, to reduce the required number of parking spaces from 249 spaces to 172 spaces, and a Variation to Chapter 28, Section 10.2-8, to reduce the required width of a two-way drive aisle from 24 feet to 22 feet in width. This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. If it is determined, at the sole discretion of the Village, that the subject property is creating a parking problem or creating an unsafe impact on traffic along the private access drive and along Algonquin Road, the petitioner shall work with the Village to resolve the situation through the staggering of event times, the limiting of event sizes, restrictions on hours/days of operation for the banquet hall and 6th floor space, contracting with the Police Dept. to provide traffic control personnel, the addition of further offsite parking areas, or any other option as determined appropriate by the Village.

6th floor Space:
2. The 6th floor space shall be closed to the public and shall only be available to hotel patrons and their guests, and for banquet hall patrons. Any change to open this space up to the general public will require an amendment to this Land Use Variation.

3. The 6th floor space may be privately booked for events (banquet, wedding, etc.), provided that the main banquet hall is left unused during the time when the event is taking place on the 6th floor (i.e. the main banquet hall may not be used concurrently with the 6th floor event).

General Hotel:
4. The exercise room (or any proposed spa), as well as the 1st floor café & seating area, must be ancillary to the hotel and shall not be available for reservation/use by the general public.

5. The Business Center/Office on the first floor shall not be available for meetings, conferences, etc.

6. The site landscaping shall be revised to conform with the 12/19/18 landscape review comments from Derek Mach.

7. The petitioner shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies. 



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount:
Staff ReportReport
PC Minutes - 1/9/19 DRAFTMinutes
DC Staff Report 11/27/18Board or Commission Report
DC Minutes 11/27/18Minutes
Narrative - Changes to PlanExhibits
Justification for Parking VariationCorrespondence
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Overflow Parking AgreementsCorrespondence
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering/Landscape PlanExhibits
Conceptual Lobby Seating PlanExhibits
Conceptual Rooftop Seating PlanExhibits
Elevator LobbyExhibits
First-Floor LobbyExhibits
Guest King RoomExhibits
King Room OverviewExhibits
Rooftop with Square FootageExhibits
Market StudyExhibits
Traffic & Parking StudyExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Department Comments - Round 2Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 2 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits