Item Coversheet

Design Commission

Item: DC#18-066 - 1518 W. Thomas St. - SF/Teardown
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


Approval of the proposed architectural design for a new (teardown) single-family residence.




It is recommended that the Design Commission require revisions and re-review the proposed new single-family residence to be located at 1015 W. Thomas Street.  This recommendation is based on the architectural plans dated 1/7/19 and received 1/18/19, and the following: 

1. Scale and Massing.  It is recommended that the elevation of the first floor be lowered and the height of the walls be reduced to better fit with the scale of the neighborhood.

2. Large Terrace.  It is recommended that the scale of the terrace be reduced to a more common size for a front porch, possibly 10-feet in depth maximum.  Consider extending the roof over the terrace to better integrate it with the house design.

3. Bedroom Wing.  It is recommended that the layout be revised to significantly reduce the length of the bedroom wing.

4. Panoramic Doors.  It is recommended that the large panoramic doors be replaced with smaller scale french doors and windows that would be more appropriate on the front of a house and fit better with the context of the neighborhood.

5. Front Entry.  Additional design development of the front entry is recommended.  Consider integrating it with a new porch roof with decorative support columns.

6. Exterior Materials.  Consider softening the color palette with tan or gray EIFS and a more natural color stone base.

7. Driveway.  It is recommended that the driveway layout be revised to reduce the amount of paving in the front yard.

8. This review deals with architectural design only and should not be construed to be an approval of, or to have any other impact on, any other zoning and/or land use issues or decisions that stem from zoning, building, signage or any other reviews. In addition to the normal technical review, permit drawings will be reviewed for consistency with the Design Commission and any other Commission or Board approval conditions.  It is the architect/homeowner/builder’s responsibility to comply with the Design Commission approval and ensure that building permit plans comply with all zoning code, building permit and signage requirements.

9. Compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations and policies. 

Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
2-12-19 ExhibitsExhibits
11-27-18 ExhibitsExhibits
DC Minutes 11-27-18Minutes