Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Easement/Abrogation - Olympic Park, 660 N Ridge Ave
Department: Engineering/Legal

As part of the Plan Commission review of the Arlington Heights Park District's Olympic Park redevelopment project at 660 N Ridge Ave, certain existing public utility easements were identified as requiring abrogation, and a new public storm sewer easement was identified as requiring dedication.


The attached Plat of Easement and Plat of Abrogation, as a single plat, has been signed by the property owner, the Arlington Heights Park District.


The recommended action will abrogate 12,299 square feet of existing public utility easement on the Park District's property and establish a public storm sewer easement 2,673 square feet in area over the existing previously relocated public storm sewer located on the Park District's property at 660 N Ridge Ave.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Accepting a Plat of Easement and Plat of Abrogation for Public Storm Sewer, on the Olympic Park property, located at 660 N Ridge Ave.

Easement/Abrogation - Olympic ParkResolution