Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Goddard School - 1316 N. Arlington Heights Rd. - PC#18-023
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action

1. Rezoning from R-3, One-Family Dwelling District to the O-T, Office-Transitional Zoning District.

2. Planned Unit Development.

3. Land Use Variation to allow a Day Care Facility within the OT District.



Variations Required


1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-9.3(b), to reduce the required side yard setback on the north from 20 feet to 1 foot. 


2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-2, to allow accessory structures (playground equipment) in the front yard where accessory structures are restricted to the rear yard only.

3. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3(a) to allow a six foot tall open and six foot tall solid fence in the front yard where code restricts open fences in a front yard to 36-inches in height and prohibits solid fences in a front yard. 





A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on February 27, 2019 where Commissioner Cherwin moved and Commissioner Lorenzini seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-023, a Rezoning from the R-3, One-Family Dwelling District to the O-T Office-Transitional Zoning District; a Planned Unit Development; A Land Use Variation to allow a Day Care Facility within the O-T District, and the following variations:


1. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-9.3(b), to reduce the required side yard setback on the north from 20 feet to 1 foot. 


2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-2, to allow accessory structures (playground equipment) in the front yard where accessory structures are restricted to the rear yard only.


3. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3(a) to allow a six foot tall open and six foot tall solid fence in the front yard where code restricts open fences in a front yard to 36-inches in height and prohibits solid fences in a front yard.

Approval shall be subject to the following conditions:


1. The maximum number of children at the facility shall be restricted to 165 and the maximum number of employees shall be restricted to 27. Should an increase in either children or employees be proposed, the petitioner shall be required to demonstrate through a parking study and surveys of the parking lot usage, that there is adequate capacity for any increase. Final judgement of adequate capacity shall be at the discretion of the Village staff. Alternatively, the petitioner may alter the site plan, for review and approval by Village staff, to create additional parking areas.

2. Should egress from the site become problematic, at the discretion of the Village, the petitioner shall be required to alter movements from the site, either through the widening of the southern access point to create a third lane of travel or through restrictions on northbound egress from the southern access point.

3. IDOT review and approval of the proposed access to Arlington Heights Road shall be required.

4. One additional shade tree shall be provided to the west of the two northernmost parking stalls at the front of the building.

5. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Dawson, Green, Jensen, Sigalos, Warskow, Ennes, Lorenzini, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Motion carried.

PC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 2/27/19 - DRAFTMinutes
DC Minutes 11/27/18Minutes
DC Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Justification for Land Use Variation & VariationsCorrespondence
Market AnalysisExhibits
Traffic StudyExhibits
Lighting Cut SheetsExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Department Comments - Round 2Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 2 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits