Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Verizon Wireless Cell Tower - 1122 W. Rand Rd.- PC#18-024
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action

1. Land Use Variation to allow a Commercial Antenna within the R-1, One-Family Dwelling District.


Variations Required

1. Variation to Chapter 28, Sections 6.14-2.1(a) and 6.6-5.1, to allow a commercial antenna structure and associated equipment (including a generator) to be setback a minimum of 4’ from the side yard lot line where code requires a 30’ setback.

2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3(b), to allow a 8’ tall fence where the maximum fence height is restricted to 6’.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on February 27, 2019 where Commissioner Cherwin moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-024, a Land Use Variation to allow a Commercial Antenna within the R-1, One-Family Dwelling District, and the following variations:

1. Variation to Chapter 28, Sections 6.14-2.1(a) and 6.6-5.1, to allow a commercial antenna structure and associated equipment (including a generator) to be setback a minimum of 4’ from the side yard lot line where code requires a 30’ setback.


2. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3(b), to allow a 8’ tall fence where the maximum fence height is restricted to 6’.



 Approval shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. All antenna and cables to be mounted on the proposed tower shall be concealed within the tower structure. 

2. The petitioner shall add additional landscape screening along the west side of the enclosure area, for review and approval by the Village.

3. The petitioner shall stripe an additional code-compliant parking space within the paved parking area on the subject property to mitigate for the loss of the parking space that was necessary to accommodate the compound area.

4. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Dawson, Green, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, Cherwin, Jensen, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 2/27/19 DRAFTMinutes
Project DescriptionCorrespondence
Justification for Land Use VariationCorrespondence
Propogation MapsExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Department Comments - Round 2Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 2 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits