Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Pavement Crack Sealing Program 2019
Department: Public Works

The approved 2019 Capital Budget includes $200,000 for pavement crack sealing services.


Crack Sealing is one of the most cost effective roadway maintenance activities. The purpose of crack sealing is to prevent water from penetrating through existing cracks into the base of the roadway. The Public Works Department annually budgets for this contractual work in order to extend the useful life of the Village’s asphalt streets.


This year, the Village of Arlington Heights led the crack sealing bid for the Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI). MPI is a collaboration of more than 18 local municipalities that jointly bid out maintenance contracts to benefit from economies of scale. In addition to Arlington Heights, Evanston, Glenview, Kenilworth, Mount Prospect, Northbrook, Rolling Meadows, Skokie, and Wilmette all contributed budgeted projects for crack sealing for a total three-year contract value of $1,635,692. Bids were advertised and publicly opened by the Village on behalf of the MPI on March 12, 2019.


BIDDER                                                    UNIT PRICE


Patriot Pavement  Des Plaines, IL               $1.150/lb.

Denler, Inc.  Joliet, IL                                $1.255/lb.

SKC Construction   West Dundee, IL          $1.350/lb.


Patriot Pavement's pricing is a 3.4% decrease from the previous year’s contractual unit pricing and will increase at year 2 to $1.19/lb., and to $1.21/lb. for the third and final year of the contract. Public Works Staff has checked their references and found them acceptable. Patriot Pavement has successfully completed numerous crack sealing contracts with our Village and other area Municipalities.


Funding for these services is available in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-40  (ST9201).




It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid for the Pavement Crack Sealing to the lowest responsible bidder, Patriot Pavement of Des Plaines, Illinois, and approve a three year contract at bid unit prices, not to exceed the annual budgeted amount.