Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Arlington Beer Company - 19 N. Hickory Ave. - Early Review
Department: Planning & Community Development



On January 18, 2019, the Arlington Beer Company submitted revised modified floor plans and a site plan for 19 N. Hickory depicting their new proposal for use of the building and property. These plans show a significantly amended project relative to the original proposal from the 2014 land use variation application. Specifically, size of the retail sales portion has increased significantly, and the petitioner is now proposing to use the exterior of the site for additional consumption of beer.  Additionally, the size of the brewery portion of the facility has been scaled back and is now shown as occurring only within the separate accessory building located at the rear of the site. A copy of the 2019 floor plans and site plan are provided.  




Staff is seeking feedback and direction from the Village Board in order to determine if this proposal meets the intent of the Village Board liquor license and zoning codes. Staff is recommending that the Village Board evaluate the conceptual plans and preliminary information available at this time and provide preliminary feedback regarding the proposed development, specifically as it relates to the extent of the variation requested and the compatibility with the liquor license provisions. 

Staff Memo 3-14-19Memorandum
Request for Early ReviewCorrespondence