Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Public Works - Water Tank Painting
Department: Public Works

The approved 2019 Capital Water & Sewer Budget (505-9001-571-50.25 WA-11-01)  includes $1,456,900 for painting the one million gallon elevated Thomas Water Tank and replacing the final course of roof panels at Station #16 West Tank, which is located south of the Wilke-Kirchhoff Detention Basin. 

The bid package was broken into two parts, one for the painting of the elevated Thomas Tank and the other for the additional work to be performed at the Station #16 West Tank. Three bids were received. Two contractors submitted bids for both tanks and one contractor submitted a bid only for the Station #16 West Tank. Available funding was not sufficient to perform both tasks; the funding was sufficient for the painting of the elevated Thomas Tank.

The painting of the elevated Thomas Tank includes the abrasive blast to metal of the interior and exterior of the tank, modification of the ladder and walkway around the tank, and painting the interior and exterior of the tank. The water tank was last painted in 1993. New coatings can be expected to last up to 25 years and help extend the life of the tank.

Specifications and plans were prepared, advertised and distributed to national industrial painting firms. On April 4th, the following bids were opened and publically read aloud:

BIDDER                                                      THOMAS TANK         STATION #16W

Era Valdivia Contractors, Chicago, IL              $1,048,900                 $787,000 

Jetco Ltd, Lake Zurich, IL                              $1,056,190                 $953,560

Tecorp Inc., Joliet IL                                      No Bid                      $1,054,000

The lowest responsive bidder, Era Valdivia Contractors of Chicago, Illinois, has received favorable comments from references and has successfully performed similar work for surrounding municipalities in the past. The Village’s tank painting consultant, Robinson Engineering, has reviewed all documents and recommends awarding the bid for painting the Thomas Water Tank to Era Valdivia Contractors. Era Valdivia Contractors bid is within budget and within $7,000 of the engineer’s estimate. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.


It is recommended that the Village Board reject all of the bids for the painting of the Station #16 West tank and award the bid for the Thomas Water Tank, Interior and Exterior Painting to Era Valdivia Contractors of Chicago, IL, for their not-to-exceed price of $1,048,900.