Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Consultant Agreement - Mac Strategies Group, Inc.
Department: Village Manager/Legal

Attached is a professional services agreement with Mac Strategies Group, Inc. to assist the Village in obtaining Capital Improvement Funds from the State of Illinois. State leaders are currently discussing the creation of the first capital bill in 10 years. This process will likely be very competitive among jurisdictions.  Staff believes it would be beneficial to hire an outside firm for the purpose of helping the Village obtain funds for the numerous Road, Water, and Stormwater infrastructure needs it currently has throughout the community.


The Village Board budgeted $36,000 in the Capital Projects Fund in 2019 for this purpose. The contract calls for a one year agreement at $3000 per month, so expenditures will be within budget. Staff interviewed three consulting firms and recommends hiring Mac Strategies Group, Inc. as we believe they are best suited to assist Arlington Heights given their familiarity with Arlington Heights, the balance and experience of their staff, and their approach.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving a Consultant Agreement with Mac Strategies Group, Inc.

Mac Strategies Group, Inc.Resolution