Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Fee Waiver - Outdoor Dining Annual Renewal 2019
Department: Planning & Community Development

This summer, multiple infrastructure improvement projects are planned within Downtown. These projects include sidewalk repair, store sewer improvements, and Nicor gas main and gas meter replacement.


Many of the restaurants participating in the Outdoor Eating Cafes on Public Sidewalks program will experience intermittent sidewalk closures due to the planned gas main and gas meter replacements, preventing use of the sidewalk for outdoor dining purposes during these closures. Approximately nine of the restaurants participating in the Outdoor Cafe program will be directly impacted by the main and meter replacements.


For Downtown restaurants participating in the Outdoor Eating Cafes on Public Sidewalks program, a yearly renewal application is required.  This renewal application consists of a $115.00 renewal fee, as well as updated insurance and lease/ownership information.


In consideration of these intermittent sidewalk closures, Village Staff recommends waiving the aforementioned $115.00 renewal fee for Downtown restaurants participating in the Outdoor Eating Cafes on Public Sidewalks program.  Village Board action is required to waive the fee, as stipulated in Chapter 7, Section 7-1108 of the Village of Arlington Heights Municipal Code (Fees for Outdoor Eating Cafes).  Waiving the fees for all restaurants currently participating in the program will result in a total revenue loss of $1,150.00.




It is recommended that the Village Board waive the $115.00 renewal fee for restaurants in the Downtown participating in the Outdoor Eating Cafes on Public Sidewalks program in 2019.