Based upon some citizen requests, the following intersections have been analyzed for consideration for stop sign control. While the evaluation did not justify the establishment of all way stop signs, the following modifications at Mitchell Avenue & George Street and Hickory Avenue & Marion Street are recommended:
1. Residents in the neighborhood near the intersection of Mitchell Avenue and George Street have asked if additional traffic control could be considered. Based upon a number of traffic accidents occurring intermittently over the years, there is a trend involving cars traveling northbound colliding with cars moving along George Street. From an analysis of the field conditions at this intersection, the setback of the homes in this older portion of town are closer to the streets. Limitations for motorists’ sight distance based upon the location of two of the homes, would be aided by the creation of a two-way stop intersection. Additionally, there is no public sidewalk along the north side of George Street east of the intersection, or along the south side of the street west of the intersection. Placement of a two-way stop sign, for George Street to stop for Mitchell Avenue would benefit motorists and pedestrians to better negotiate this intersection.
2. Residents living near the intersection of Hickory Avenue and Marion Street have inquired if additional traffic control could be provided. From the traffic counts, and based upon some odd vehicle movements of traffic through this intersection, motorists are confronted with irregular pavement geometry. The pavement of Marion Street east of Hickory Avenue is not aligned through the intersection. The pavement centerline shifts half of the roadway width further to the southwest of the intersection. Also, Hickory Avenue has a rather sizeable pavement centerline radius, which does not permit motorists to see far enough along and through the intersection when traveling northbound. This intersection is adjacent to a detention pond that the Park District uses in winter months for an ice skating pond. Additionally, this location is close to Olive Mary Stitt School and serves for this neighborhood as a junction point on the School’s Safe Routes to School Walking Path. It is recommended that a two way stop orientation for Marion Street to stop for Hickory Avenue be created.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance Designating Two-Way Stop Streets with George Street to stop for Mitchell Avenue and Marion Street to stop for Hickory Avenue, be approved.