On April 15, 2019, the Village Board approved the construction contract for the Downtown Sewer Project to Martam Construction, Inc. At the same meeting, the Village Board approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) for their $1.8 Million grant toward the Downtown Sewer Project.
It was originally anticipated that the construction engineering inspectional duties would be accomplished by Village staff. However, it was determined that consultant services would be utilized to fulfill the specialized reporting requirements contained in the MWRD's Intergovernmental Agreement. Burns & McDonnell prepared the plans and specifications for this project and is proficient with the MWRD’s reporting requirements. Burns & McDonnell has performed construction inspection services for a number of previous Village construction projects, and based on our positive experiences with Burns & McDonnell, staff requested a proposal for construction inspection services.
Burns & McDonnell’s scope of services includes project coordination and management, resident engineering and inspectional services, documentation and payout preparation. They are also responsible for fulfilling the documentation and reporting requirements of the MWRD’s Intergovernmental Agreement. It is expected that this project, once begun, will take about five months to complete. The cost for Burns & McDonnell’s related services is $259,800. The proposed cost, at about 7.1% of the total construction bid, is well below the industry standard of 10%. The Account Number for this expenditure is 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1804).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a professional services contract with Burns & McDonnell for $259,800 for the Downtown Sewer Project and authorize Village staff to execute the necessary documents.