Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: 2019 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program
Department: Public Works


The 2019 Capital Budget includes $6.1 million for the Roadway Resurfacing and Reconstruction Programs.


Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened on May 1, 2019 for the 2019 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program. The Program includes the resurfacing of  7.5 miles of asphalt streets, various sidewalk locations, and concrete panel replacement surrounding the Brandenberry Complex, which is eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.


Two bids were received as follows for the Base Bid & CDBG Eligible Streets:


Arrow Road Construction (low bid)      $4,063,486.25

Builders Asphalt                                   $4,262,888.00     


The engineer's estimate of $3,799,655.56 was based on the 2018 program unit prices, and a 2.5% adjustment due to inflation. The total bid price increase in cost can be attributed to a rise in concrete prices and traffic control.


In order to account for the overage, staff recommends funding from the following sources.


Funding Summary:


Capital Projects Fund 401-7101-571.50-30 ST 9008    $3,257,181.82

CDBG Block Grant 215-4101-522.41-76                         $150,000.00

Sidewalk Program 426-7101-571.59-25 SW 1520          $385,000.00

Capital Project Contingency 401-9901-571.40-96           $150,000.00

Capital Project Reserves                                                 $121,304.43


TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET (2019 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Programs)   $4,063,486.25



Arrow Road Construction has successfully performed the resurfacing program for the Village of Arlington Heights for the past several years, including the 2018 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program.  If approved, this work could begin as early as mid-May.


Staff requests that a corresponding budget transfer and budget amendment be prepared in order to fully fund the 2019 Resurfacing Program as follows:


  • Budget Transfer: $150,000 from the Capital Project Contingency Fund (401-9901-571.40-96) to the Capital Projects Fund Street Program (401-7101-571.50-30 ST 9008).

  • Budget Amendment: $121,304.43 from the Capital Projects Reserves to the Capital Projects Fund Street Program (401-7101-571.50-30 ST 9008).



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize a Budget Transfer of $150,000 from the Capital Project Contingency Fund to the Capital Projects Fund Street Program, a Budget Amendment of $121,304.43 from the Capital Project Reserves to the Capital Projects Fund Street Program, award the bid for the 2019 Resurfacing Program and Sidewalk Program in the amount of $4,063,486.25 to the low bidder, Arrow Road Construction, Inc, and authorize the execution of a contract with Arrow Road Construction, Inc. for this program.