Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Election of President Pro Tem
Department: Village President

Village Code requires that the appointment of a President Pro Tem be made the second Monday in May following a municipal election. The Code further requires the Village President to send a memorandum advising the Village Board of his/her recommendation the Friday before that meeting.


My recommendation is that Trustee Bert Rosenberg be appointed as President Pro Tem and I ask for your concurrence with this recommendation. Bert is our '"senior" Trustee having been appointed to the Village Board by Mayor Mulder in 2000 after serving on the Environmental Control Commission for 13 years. He was subsequently elected as Village Trustee in 2001 and has continued to represent the Village of Arlington Heights in a professional and responsible manner for nearly 20 years. Bert's historical perspective, financial expertise, and reputation within the community will serve us well in this role.


Consistent with our team approach, the continued assistance of the entire Village Board in representing me and the Village of Arlington Heights at various functions and in the public arena generally in the same manner is acknowledged and will be greatly appreciated.




It is recommended that the Village Board concur with the appointment of Bert Rosenberg as President Pro Tem.