Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Panic Alarms & Video Cameras
Department: Public Works

The 2019 Fiscal Capital Budget includes funding for upgrades to the Village's camera and panic button systems in Village Hall, the Senior Center, and the Public Works Building.


The Police Department led a committee of several representatives including members from Public Works and IT to evaluate our current security systems, and develop a plan to update them based on today's challenges.


Johnson Controls is the current vendor for the Police Department security cameras, and has the contract with Northwest Central Dispatch for fire alarm radios. In addition, they are the winning bidder in the Sourcewell, and  formerly the National Joint Purchasing Alliance ( NJPA), National Contract.  Soucewell is a Joint Purchasing Cooperative contracting agency for over 40,000 Municipal members throughout the nation with competitively awarded contract purchasing solutions through industry leading vendors.  The Village has been a member of the NJPA (now Sourcewell)  for several years and has made several purchases through this program.  


Staff has solicited plans and proposals for upgrades to Village Hall, Public Works, and the Senior Center security systems.  The Senior Center is utilizing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds which has a strict deadline for expenditure of funds.  The proposed plan includes upgrades to both the Panic Alarm and Security Video Systems.  The project includes the following components:


Village Hall:  15 New Wireless Panic Buttons, 14 New Security Cameras


Public Works:  5 New Wireless Panic Buttons


Senior Center:  9 New Wireless Panic Buttons, 14 New Cameras to compliment 9 existing cameras 


Staff has worked with the recent installation of security system cameras with Johnson Controls in the new Police building, and was satisfied with their products and performance.  Their pricing was awarded based on a joint purchasing bid through Sourcewell. 


CDBG Public Facilities account 215-4101-522.41-75.  $51,322.96

Capital Improvements account 401-7101-571.50-20 (BL 9504) $40,802.75

Municipal Building Refurbishing account  401-7101-571.50-20 (BL9505) $20,823.94




It is recommended that the Village Board award Johnson Controls the contract for the Panic Alarms in the not-to-exceed amount of $112,949.65 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.