On October 1, 2018, the Village Board approved Ordinance #18-036 authorizing Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to adjust the lot lines on the subject property for a revised development concept within the overall Arlington Downs PUD.
Ordinance #18-036 contained a condition of approval that required the resolution of several items prior to Final Plat approval, which condition is summarized below:
4. Prior to Final Plat of Subdivision approval, the petitioner shall:
a. Modify the plans for ADR-II as necessary to comply with fire lane requirements as mandated by the Village.
b. The petitioner will revise the landscape plan to incorporate 12 additional evergreen trees along Euclid Avenue to screen the rear areas of retail buildings A and B.
c. Provide a revised site plan that shows the dumpster enclosures for retail buildings A and B as part of the building via a wing wall and the opening for these enclosures to be facing away from Euclid Ave.
d. Provide better screening for the mechanical and loading/delivery area at the rear of ADR-II. Such screening may require a screen wall.
Prior to Village Board consideration of the Final Plat, the petitioner is required to pay all recording and benchmark fees, as well as provide the required maintenance and public improvement bonds/deposits.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on June 12, 2019 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Dawson seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#18-010, a Final Plat of Subdivision for Arlington Downs at 3400 W Euclid Avenue.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawson, Green, Lorenzini, Warskow, Jensen, and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.