In reviewing the IDOT plans for the resurfacing of Northwest Highway from Vail Ave east to State St in Des Plaines, the Village requested IDOT extend the limits of resurfacing at Dunton Ave and Evergreen Ave to include the sections between Northwest Hwy and the Union Pacific Railroad (UP) right-of-way. These sections of Dunton Ave and Evergreen Ave had previously not been included as they are the maintenance responsibility of the Village. IDOT’s plans do include the sections on Arlington Heights Rd and Vail Ave, from Northwest Highway to the UP right-of-way.
The attached Intergovernmental Agreement will allow the State to resurface Dunton Ave and Evergreen Ave. In addition, there is a separate funding Resolution, attached as Exhibit B, that will be approved separately. The Village’s share is $32,100 and the funds are available in the Capital Projects Fund (Account #401-7101-571-50-30).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution approving an Agreement with the State of Illinois for the resurfacing of Dunton Ave and Evergreen Ave, from Northwest Highway to the UP right-of-way.