Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Public Works Administration Building - Roof Repairs
Department: Public Works

The Fiscal Year 2019 Capital Roof Maintenance Program includes $403,000 for the work on one section of the Public Works Municipal building.  The purpose of this program is to repair or replace roofs on municipal buildings prior to any notable leaks. The proposed project includes a seam repair  over the main garage as a preventative maintenance measure and replacement of a roof over the Administrative section.  The Public Works facility includes 146,175 sq. ft. under roof.  The main garage is slated for replacement in phases over the next several years.


On June 11, 2019, a public bid opening was held, and 10 bids were publicly opened and read aloud. The bid tabulation is listed below: 


BIDDER                                                       TOTAL BID


CIC Corp.  Wauconda, IL                                $301,562         

Malcor Roofing  St. Charles, IL                        $339,400

Riddiford Roofing  Arlington Heights, IL           $340,350

CSR Roofing   Oak Park, IL                             $366,315

JL Adler Roofing  Joliet, IL                              $370,365

DCG Roofing  Melrose Park, IL                        $390,240

L. Marashall   Glenview, IL                              $396,500

Knickerbocker   Harvey, IL                              $414,400

Elens & Maichin   Joliet, IL                              $416,075

Combined Roofing   West Chicago, IL              $421,600


The bids ranged from $301,562 to $421,600 with CIC Corporation of Wauconda, IL, as the lowest bidder. Village staff has successfully completed work with CIC Corp. in the past, and recommends award, based upon our post experience and positive comments received during reference checks.


Funds are available in the Roof Maintenance Program, in the Capital Project Account No. 401-7101-571.50-20 ($241,800) BL9506 and Water & Sewer Account No. 505-7201-561.50-20 ($161,200) BL9506.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the lowest responsible bidder, CIC Corporation of Wauconda, Illinois, the contract for the replacement and repair of a roof section of the Public Works facility, in an not-to-exceed amount of $301,562 and to authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.